Get Images Library Photos and Pictures. A new study shows that today's meteorites considerably differ from those of the ancient past Russian meteor strike prompts call for asteroid sentries Lego Prosthetic Arm Takes Custom Prostheses to a Whole New Level

. Natural Scented Candles: • A bunch of fruit; Mason Jars, Water, Candles, A Fridge. Add all of the ingredients you want your centerpiece to include – fruits, herbs, spices – into a Mason jar and fill it with water, leaving some empty space of at least ¾ inches at the top. Do this for as many jars you want to have. Close the lid and place in fridge or freezer for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember to choose freezer-safe jars so they won't crack or damage. Once this step is completed, remove the lid and ribbon 10 Novels That Are More Action-Packed Than Most Summer Movies Lego Prosthetic Arm Takes Custom Prostheses to a Whole New Level
Natural Scented Candles: • A bunch of fruit; Mason Jars, Water, Candles, A Fridge. Add all of the ingredients you want your centerpiece to include – fruits, herbs, spices – into a Mason jar and fill it with water, leaving some empty space of at least ¾ inches at the top. Do this for as many jars you want to have. Close the lid and place in fridge or freezer for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember to choose freezer-safe jars so they won't crack or damage. Once this step is completed, remove the lid and ribbon
Natural Scented Candles: • A bunch of fruit; Mason Jars, Water, Candles, A Fridge. Add all of the ingredients you want your centerpiece to include – fruits, herbs, spices – into a Mason jar and fill it with water, leaving some empty space of at least ¾ inches at the top. Do this for as many jars you want to have. Close the lid and place in fridge or freezer for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember to choose freezer-safe jars so they won't crack or damage. Once this step is completed, remove the lid and ribbon

Stark Wars/Monty Python mashup for the win!
Who Makes the Rules for Outer Space? — NOVA Next | PBS
Lego Prosthetic Arm Takes Custom Prostheses to a Whole New Level
10 Novels That Are More Action-Packed Than Most Summer Movies
Experience Zero Gravity. AKA Go To Space.
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NASA Received 400+ Ideas For Capturing Larger Asteroids From Potential Partners - [Click on Image Or Source on Top to See Full News]
Russian meteor strike prompts call for asteroid sentries
This Icarus concept starship uses Graphene as a shield material to protect the vehicle during the voyage to another star.
Called optical mining, the technique focuses the sun's rays to bake water out of the asteroid, providing a cheap propellant for spacecraft.
Asteroid passing Earth will be closer than moon Object will pass an estimated 217,000 miles away..
Minería espacial: así se hace realidad la ciencia ficción
Asteroideetako ura erabilita erregaia ekoiztea da helburuetako bat. ©Deep Space Industries / Bryan Versteeg
An artist's concept of Deep Space Idustries' Dragonfly picker to capture asteroids for mining operations.
A concept image of a spacecraft powered by a fusion-driven rocket. The crew would be in the forward-most chamber. Solar panels on the sides would collect energy to initiate the process that creates fusion
A new study shows that today's meteorites considerably differ from those of the ancient past
David Wong's Image Macro Thread | Image Board | Forums |
Lynx with Dorsal payload Pod showing ATSA Telescope (Lynx Mk. III USA only). Credit: XCOR Aerospace MOJAVE, Calif. — a passionate group of young aerospace engineers is building a private spaceship called Lynx. Developed by XCOR Aerospace, Lynx is the main competitor of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, built by Scaled Composites, also in Mojave. Commercial flights of the Lynx space plane are expected to commence in 2015, mainly through the Dutch company Space Expedition Corporation.
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