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Europe Pin Plug

I ordered online us to europe 149 plug adaptor 10 and the seller sent me the cheapest ones 135 or so. I purchased this universal to europe travel plug adapter before going on a 6 week trip to europe from jan 23 to march 4 2013.

Ireland 3 Pin To Europe Travel Adapter Gsmsolutionsie Online Store

The adaptors are barely useful the largest pin does not fit because the adaptor is done for plugs with the same width pins being with limited usage.

Europe pin plug. When i got to europe i tried to use the adapter in spain italy france greece and switzerland and it did not work at all.

2x Uk To Eu Europe European Travel International Adapter Plug

European 2 Pin Waterproof Plug Vde Waterproof Plug 2 Pin

Uk To Europe Travel Adaptor Allows Uk 3 Pin Plug To 2 Pin Euro

Europe En 50075 Standard Sheet 1 Two Pin Non Grounding Plug

Uscar 30 Compliant 5 Pin Automotive Connector Smk Europe

Amp Superseal 28 1 Pin Plug 1 Pc Sinatec Europe Bv

Eu Adapter Plug Usa To Euro Europe Wall Power Charge Outlet Sockets

China Ac Europe Type Power Extension Cord Cable Eu 2 Pin Plug Eu

Amazoncom Universal Plug Adapter For Europe Travel Converts Any


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